MECCANICA DI MONZA multi-knives spiral core making line of 1990 MECCANICA DI MONZA Italy complete MULTI-KNIVES spiral core making line of 1990 Main technical specifications Core diametro range from min 25mm to max 120mm Number of plies 8 1 for the external cover l...
PERKINS SPIRAL TUBE MACHINE MODEL L4F of 1996 PERKINS SPIRAL TUBE MACHINE MODEL L4F of 1996Automatic length cut system by 3 knivesUnwinder stand for 3 reelsThis line was producingcore lengths of 700mm in 35mm 40mm and 50mm core diameterAlso inclu...
PACK'IN AUT CORE CUTTER MOD ACTIVA 550A with aut. CORE FEEDER PACK INDUSTRIE AUT CORE CUTTER MOD ACTIVA 550A WITH AUT CORE FEEDER approx 30 years old but fully overhauled by PAKEA in 2017 with all new SEW drives For int core diameters from 70mm to max 550mm ext ...
PACK'Industrie aut. Core Cutter mod ACTIVA 240A with aut core loader PACK Industrie S A Aut and programmable Core Cutter model ACTIVA 240A of 1998 with aut Core loader feeder For core diameters int 25 to ext 200mm also possible from 20 to 270mm Core wall thickness from...
BRODBECK aut. core cutter model TWIN 2.2000 of 2002 BRODBECK model TWIN 2-2000 of 2002 Aut Core Cutter with aut core feedingCore dimension max 2160Max core length 2100Core diameters from 25mm int core size to max 180mm ext core diameterMax core wall th...
Pak'Industrie Spiral Winder Head mod. SP245 of 2000 SPIRAL WINDER HEAD MODEL SP245 of PACK INDUSTRIE France of the year 2000 For core diameters from int 45 to ext 450mm Belt speed 90 mts min Power of 38 KW Tension 50 cycles 3 phase Pressure 6 bars Envi...
MECCANICA DI MONZA complete spiral winder line of 1990 MECCANICA DI MONZA Italy SPIRAL WINDER line of approx 1990 for the production o spiral cardboard cores having diameters from min 20mm to max 120mm approx Max wall thickness of 6mm Min Cut width of 50m...